Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Maps and Atlases - The Ongoing Horrible

There are a lot of bands out there that use guitar tapping too much. Maps and Atlases is one of them, but Im willing to forgive them, because, it just seems to work. They don't go AS overboard as some do. It feels like some bands just do it to show off. Ok, we get it. You can tap like a champ. Now write a good song.
Anyway off of my soap box. Sometimes M & A taps too much but they can also write some good songs. Example: Ongoing Horrible.
Dave Davison gets creative while playing this song too by playing the acoustic kind of like a slide guitar while simultaneously performing hand percussion. He even using the tuning knobs to create melody. Crazy! And its got a great unique structure, a relaxing tone, and strange, fantasy-ish lyrics.

Migration to a town where
tree swallows houses
migration to a town where
tree, swallows, houses

like a mime troupe stowin'
we're all aging doubles.
we sing,
we danced,
shoes on shoes
to the sound of the spinning

and we slept arm-in-arm,
so soundly ignoring the outside
sounds of the ongoing horrible scene.

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